Cheese Consultancy

Our Consultancy

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The Co-founder cheese maker Francois Laederich- from Paris now settled in Mashobra in Himachal Pradesh is the master cheesemaker trained in France.We have also forayed into the field of Cheese Consultancy for professional cheese makers (how to set up an artisan cheese production unit), professional training for students in Food processing technology and cheese factory set up.

With increase trend in milk production seen across developing nations, the rising demand of artisanal and European style of cheese, we now can offer professional cheese making trainings to your site at a fraction of a cost , using your local milk and understanding how and what cheeses are best suitable keeping in mind your terroir, climatic conditions and local palate.

Traditionally, skilled professionals would often have to travel abroad to Europe or the US to learn the art of cheesemaking. But that can be changed with a larger group of your skilled personnels being taught in the environment they are present in. It has been seen that local adaptation of skills e.g cheesemaking to the microclimate of your farm is one of the most difficult tasks.We offer to train your set of chosen skilled personnel in artisanal cheesemaking who in turn should be able to exploit your dairy industry by skillfully producing some of the masterpieces of Europe in your country using your local milk.

The cost of the consultancy & training can vary (based on requirement)  and a cheese factory set up will incur additional cost plus travel, stay and food.

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